Central Florida Lifestyle reaches more affluent readers than any other local magazine in the region!
With our controlled method of over 60,000+ circulation per month to a select affluent income demographic, advertisers can rest assured that every issue is read by those who have the discretionary funds to use their goods and services. There is no other publication out there that can maximize your exposure and reach your exact target market.
Additionally, we distribute magazines at dozens of events that we sponsor, co-sponsor or participate in yearly and monthly to 4 local chambers and to hundreds of local businesses within the communities we serve.
Maximizing your marketing dollars is of the utmost importance to you and us. With zoned editions, Lifestyle magazines offer you what no other local upscale magazine does: the ability to choose which edition in Central Florida best suits your target market. Zoned advertising ensures that every penny you spend on your advertising is reaching your exact target market!
We also offer you multiple opportunities to tell your story through advertorial. When you decide to invest in an advertorial piece to promote your business, you will have access to our editorial team who will make sure you look and sound your best. Our editor will interview you and key members of your staff to get a better understanding of what makes your business unique. Our photographer will make sure your story comes to life through photos in the pages of Lifestyle. The exposure cannot be matched!
We look forward to helping your business grow!
Click here to fill out an advertising information request.